1669 – Kyle Kulinski – The Joe Rogan Experience Video

Published on September 25, 2021 by

Kyle Kulinski is a political commentator, podcast host, and progressive activist based in New York City. He is best known as the creator and host of the political talk show “Secular Talk,” which airs on YouTube and various other platforms.

Kulinski started “Secular Talk” in 2008 as a radio show on a local New York station. He later transitioned the show to a YouTube format, where it gained a large following due to his progressive views on issues like healthcare, income inequality, and climate change. He is known for his blunt and uncompromising style of political commentary, and has been critical of both Democrats and Republicans.

In addition to his work on “Secular Talk,” Kulinski is also a co-founder of the progressive political action committee Justice Democrats. He has been active in various progressive causes and campaigns, and was a vocal supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders during the 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns.

Kulinski’s work has been featured in various media outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and MSNBC. He has also been a guest on numerous political talk shows and podcasts.

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