1714 – Josh Dubin & Robert Jones – The Joe Rogan Experience Video

Published on November 9, 2021 by

Josh Dubin and Robert Jones are two American criminal justice advocates who have been instrumental in advocating for the wrongfully convicted and working to reform the criminal justice system.

Josh Dubin is a criminal justice reform advocate, attorney, and producer. He is best known for his work on wrongful conviction cases, including that of the “West Memphis Three,” a group of teenagers who were wrongfully convicted of murder in Arkansas in the 1990s. Dubin was part of the team that helped to exonerate the three men after they spent nearly 20 years in prison. He is also the producer of the award-winning documentary “16 Bars,” which highlights the therapeutic potential of music in the rehabilitation of incarcerated individuals.

Robert Jones is a criminal justice reform advocate and the founder of the Innocence Project of New Orleans. He has been instrumental in exonerating dozens of wrongfully convicted individuals, many of whom were on death row. Jones has also worked to reform the criminal justice system in Louisiana, advocating for the elimination of the death penalty and for the establishment of a conviction integrity unit within the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office.

Together, Dubin and Jones have been at the forefront of the movement to reform the criminal justice system and to advocate for the rights of the wrongfully convicted. Their work has helped to bring attention to the injustices of the system and to bring about real change.

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