1445 – Andy Stumpf – The Joe Rogan Experience

Published on February 13, 2021 by

Andy Stumpf is a retired U.S. Navy SEAL, wingsuit jumper, and public speaker known for his military service and extreme sports endeavors. Here is some information about him:

Full Name: Andy Stumpf


  • Birthdate: April 30, 1977

Military Service:

  • Andy Stumpf served as a U.S. Navy SEAL for over 17 years. He completed multiple deployments and participated in various high-profile military operations.
  • He earned the Navy Cross, which is one of the highest military decorations awarded by the U.S. Department of the Navy and is given for acts of extraordinary heroism in combat.

Wingsuit Jumping and Extreme Sports:

  • After retiring from the military, Andy Stumpf pursued a career in extreme sports, particularly wingsuit jumping. Wingsuit jumping involves flying through the air wearing a special jumpsuit with wings, which allows for controlled gliding.
  • Stumpf set a world record in 2015 for the farthest wingsuit flight, covering a distance of over 18 miles.

Public Speaking:

  • Andy Stumpf is a sought-after public speaker, known for sharing his experiences as a Navy SEAL, his insights into risk-taking and fear management, and his passion for pushing the boundaries of human performance.
  • He has delivered motivational talks to various audiences, including corporate groups, schools, and organizations.

Andy Stumpf’s life has been marked by his dedication to service in the U.S. Navy SEALs, his pursuit of extreme sports, and his inspirational speaking engagements. His journey from military service to wingsuit jumping and public speaking has made him a respected figure in both the military and extreme sports communities.

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