1668 – Krystal Ball & Saagar Enjeti – The Joe Rogan Experience Video

Published on September 24, 2021 by

Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti are co-hosts of the popular political talk show “Breaking Points,” which airs on YouTube and various other platforms. The show features a mix of news analysis, commentary, and interviews, and is known for its independent and non-partisan approach to political reporting.

Krystal Ball is a journalist and political commentator who gained national attention as a co-host of MSNBC’s “The Cycle.” She has also worked as a contributor to various news outlets, including CNN and The Hill. Ball is known for her progressive views on issues like income inequality, healthcare, and climate change.

Saagar Enjeti is a journalist and political commentator who previously worked as a White House correspondent for The Daily Caller. He has also contributed to various news outlets, including The American Conservative and The Washington Examiner. Enjeti is known for his conservative views on issues like foreign policy, trade, and immigration.

The duo first began working together as co-hosts of the online news show “Rising” on The Hill’s YouTube channel. After leaving “Rising,” they started “Breaking Points” in 2021, which quickly gained a large following due to their unique perspectives and chemistry as co-hosts.

Ball and Enjeti are known for their willingness to challenge mainstream narratives and provide nuanced analysis of complex political issues. Their show has been praised for its ability to bridge the divide between left and right, and to bring attention to issues that are often ignored by traditional media outlets.

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