1444 – Duncan Trussell – The Joe Rogan Experience

Published on February 12, 2021 by

Duncan Trussell is an American comedian, actor, podcast host, and writer known for his unique blend of humor and philosophical discussions. Here is some information about him:

Full Name: Duncan Trussell


  • Birthdate: April 20, 1974

Comedy Career:

  • Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comedian known for his thought-provoking and often surreal comedy style. His comedy often explores a wide range of topics, including consciousness, spirituality, and personal experiences.
  • He has performed at comedy clubs and festivals across the United States and has released comedy albums and specials.


  • Duncan Trussell is perhaps best known for his podcast, “The Duncan Trussell Family Hour.” The podcast features a mix of comedy, philosophy, spirituality, and conversations with a diverse range of guests, including comedians, authors, scientists, and spiritual teachers.
  • He has had numerous notable guests on his podcast, and the show has gained a dedicated following for its unique blend of humor and deep discussions.

Acting Career:

  • In addition to his work in comedy and podcasting, Duncan Trussell has appeared in various television shows and films. He lent his voice to the character of Clancy in the animated Netflix series “The Midnight Gospel,” which he co-created with Pendleton Ward.

Spiritual and Philosophical Interests:

  • Trussell is known for his interest in spirituality, psychedelics, and consciousness exploration. These themes often find their way into his comedy and podcast discussions.

Duncan Trussell’s comedy and podcasting style are characterized by their blend of humor, intellectual curiosity, and exploration of deep philosophical and spiritual ideas. His work has garnered a diverse and dedicated fanbase, and he continues to be an influential figure in the world of comedy and podcasting.

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