2064 - Mike Baker - The Joe Rogan Experience

2064 – Mike Baker – The Joe Rogan Experience

Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer and the president of Diligence LLC, a global intelligence and security firm. Here’s some information about him:


  • Full Name: Mike Baker
  • Occupation: Former CIA officer, President of Diligence LLC
  • Background: Mike Baker served as a covert field operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for over a decade. His work involved various assignments related to counter-terrorism and international security.

Career Highlights:

  • Diligence LLC: After leaving the CIA, Baker co-founded Diligence LLC, a private intelligence and security company. The firm provides a range of services, including risk mitigation, intelligence analysis, and security consulting for corporate clients.
  • Television and Media: Mike Baker has appeared as a security and intelligence analyst on various television networks. He has provided commentary on issues related to national security, intelligence, and global affairs.
  • Documentary Series: Baker has been involved in documentary series that explore covert operations, intelligence gathering, and global security issues. His expertise in these areas has made him a sought-after commentator for documentaries and news programs.
  • Public Speaking: He has been a speaker at conferences and events, sharing insights into intelligence, security, and geopolitical developments.

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