2062 - Will & Jenni Harris - The Joe Rogan Experience

2062 – Will & Jenni Harris – The Joe Rogan Experience

  • The farm is located in Bluffton, Georgia and consists of over 3,200 acres of grazing land. The farm has been in Will Harris’s family for over 150 years.
  • Will Harris took over White Oak Pastures from his father in the 1990s. At the time, they were using conventional farming practices and chemicals. Will decided to transition the farm to focus on sustainability.
  • The transition took over a decade to complete. Will studied sustainable farming methods and incorporated techniques like cover cropping, crop rotation and integrating livestock grazing.
  • Today, White Oak Pastures has over 1,000 head of cattle that rotationally graze the pastures. They also raise breeds of heritage hogs, sheep, goats and chickens.
  • Their farming practices improve soil health, increase biodiversity, reduce erosion, replenish water resources and sequester carbon in the soil.
  • Jenni Harris oversees marketing, e-commerce, wholesale and other areas. She helps share their sustainability story with consumers.
  • Will and Jenni speak nationally about regenerative agriculture. They emphasize soil health, carbon sequestration, humane animal treatment and farming sustainability.
  • Their products are sold online, at farmer’s markets and to chefs/restaurants focused on ethical, sustainable meat.

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