1775 – Dave Smith – The Joe Rogan Experience Video

Published on February 10, 2022 by

Dave Smith is an American comedian, political commentator, and podcast host. He is known for his libertarian views and his ability to discuss politics and current events in an entertaining and informative way.

Smith began his career as a stand-up comedian and has since branched out into political commentary. He is the host of several popular podcasts, including “Part of the Problem,” in which he discusses politics and libertarianism, and “The Legion of Skanks,” a comedy podcast that he co-hosts with fellow comedians Luis J. Gomez and Big Jay Oakerson.

Smith is a vocal critic of government overreach and has advocated for a smaller, less intrusive government that respects individual liberty. He has been a guest on several popular political talk shows, including “The Joe Rogan Experience” and “The Rubin Report,” where he has discussed his libertarian views and debated other political commentators.

In addition to his work as a comedian and political commentator, Smith is also a frequent guest on cable news shows and has written for several media outlets, including The New York Post and The Federalist. He is known for his sharp wit and his ability to break down complex political issues in a way that is accessible and engaging.

Overall, Dave Smith is a talented comedian and political commentator who has made a name for himself by offering a unique perspective on politics and current events. His commitment to individual liberty and his willingness to engage in thoughtful debate have made him a popular figure in libertarian circles and beyond.

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