1612 – Robert Bigelow – The Joe Rogan Experience Video

Published on July 30, 2021 by

Robert Bigelow is an American entrepreneur and real estate developer, best known for his work in the aerospace industry. He was born on May 12, 1945, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Bigelow made his fortune in the real estate industry, founding the Bigelow Aerospace company in 1999 with the goal of developing commercial space habitats. He has been a strong advocate for the commercialization of space and has invested heavily in developing advanced spacecraft technologies.

In 2006, Bigelow Aerospace launched its first spacecraft, Genesis I, which was designed to test the company’s inflatable space habitat technology. Since then, the company has launched several other spacecraft, including the BEAM (Bigelow Expandable Activity Module), which is currently attached to the International Space Station.

In addition to his work in the aerospace industry, Bigelow has also been involved in paranormal research and has founded the National Institute for Discovery Science, which investigates unexplained phenomena such as UFOs and crop circles.

Overall, Robert Bigelow is a visionary entrepreneur and innovator who has made significant contributions to the commercial space industry. His work in developing advanced spacecraft technologies has the potential to revolutionize space exploration and could play a key role in the future of human spaceflight.

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