1546 – Evan Hafer & Mat Best – The Joe Rogan Experience

Published on May 25, 2021 by

Evan Hafer and Mat Best are two individuals who have made significant contributions in the field of entrepreneurship and entertainment, particularly in the realm of veteran advocacy and the military community.

Evan Hafer is a former Green Beret and the founder of Black Rifle Coffee Company (BRCC), a coffee company dedicated to providing premium coffee to customers while supporting veterans, law enforcement, and first responders. Hafer’s passion for coffee and his desire to create a positive impact led him to establish BRCC in 2014. Today, the company has grown into a well-known brand that not only offers high-quality coffee but also actively supports veteran causes and employs many veterans and service members.

Mat Best is a former Army Ranger turned entrepreneur, author, and content creator. He is the co-founder of Black Rifle Coffee Company alongside Evan Hafer. Best gained popularity through his humorous and satirical videos on social media, which garnered a large following and helped bring attention to the veteran community. He has also authored books, including “Thank You for My Service” and “Range 15,” which provide insight into his military experiences and unique sense of humor.

Together, Hafer and Best have built a thriving brand in Black Rifle Coffee Company, which has become a symbol of veteran support and camaraderie. Through their business, they have created employment opportunities for veterans and actively contribute to causes that benefit the military community.

In addition to their work with BRCC, Hafer and Best have used their platform to raise awareness about issues affecting veterans and to advocate for their well-being. They have collaborated on various projects, including documentaries and films, that shed light on the challenges faced by veterans and aim to bridge the gap between the civilian and military worlds.

Hafer and Best’s dedication to supporting veterans and their entrepreneurial spirit have not only made a significant impact on the coffee industry but have also inspired others to find creative ways to give back to the military community. Their work serves as a reminder of the importance of supporting those who have served and sacrificing for their country.

Through their accomplishments and ongoing commitment to veteran causes, Evan Hafer and Mat Best have become influential figures, using their platforms to make a positive difference in the lives of veterans and to foster a sense of community and support within the military community.

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