2066 - Ralph Barbosa - The Joe Rogan Experience

2066 – Ralph Barbosa- The Joe Rogan Experience

Ralph Barbosa was born and raised in San Diego, California. He comes from a big Portuguese family – he is one of seven kids. Ralph grew up surfing at the local beaches and working odd jobs to help his family make ends meet.

After barely graduating high school, Ralph worked as a waiter and bartender for years before trying stand-up comedy at an open mic night on a whim. He instantly fell in love with comedy and began hitting the Los Angeles comedy club scene hard.

In the late 1990s Ralph got his big break as the opening act for Tim Allen’s arena tour. This catapulted his career to new heights with TV appearances, comedy specials, and even some small movie roles.

Though Ralph loves touring as a stand-up comic, deep down he’s still that beach bum surfer kid from San Diego. He brings out his vintage longboards on stage, wearing floral shirts as homage to his SoCal roots during shows. Audiences connect with Ralph’s likeable stage persona as the eternal man-child from Southern California just trying to catch the next wave, both literally and figuratively.

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